Increase Mobility
Arthritis Benefits If you are one of the 46 million Americans affected by arthritis, soaking in your Hot Spring spa can help ease your pain. Joint inflammation from arthritis causes swelling, pain and stiffness, often resulting in the loss of joint movement or function. Immersion in warm water produces hydrostatic pressure on the body that […]
A Better Night’s Sleep
According to the National Sleep Foundation, approximately 132 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders like insomnia more than one night a week. Find out how spending time in your spa before going to bed can lead to a deeper and more peaceful sleep.
Hydromassage Benefits
There are three factors at work in a spa: heat, buoyancy and massage. Working together, they create a totally relaxing hydromassage experience. The heat in a hot tub raises your body temperature, increasing circulation. The buoyancy of the hot tub reduces your body weight by 90%*, relieving pressure on muscles and joints with a relaxing […]
Sleep Better
Why do I sleep better after a soak in the hot tub? Many people struggle to wind down completely at the end of the day, in order to get a complete and restful night of sleep. In fact, in his groundbreaking book, Undoing Perpetual Stress, Dr. Richard O’Connor makes a solid case that the human […]
Tips for Your Next Hot Tub Date Night
It’s Friday night. You promised that special someone a romantic date night but you’ve just sat in an hour of traffic and your back hurts. Getting gussied up to go out is the last thing you want to do. So skip the dinner and movie and head back to your Hot Spring hot tub for […]
The Art of Hot Tub Relaxation
Take Your Relaxation to a Whole New Level. Taking time to relax and destress is an important element of maintaining a balanced life. Being immersed in warm water has been proven to help you relax both physically and mentally, and even helps your body turn down the “fight or flight” response we have to stress. […]
Will 20 Minutes In My Spa Really Matter?
We truly believe it will. At Caldera Spas, we believe it because we live it, and 20-minute renewal is part of our daily lives. From personal experience, we believe that 20-minutes a day can help you release tension, relax muscles and let go of all the clutter in your head. Science seems to concur. Recently, […]
What Is Hot Tub Circuit Therapy And How Does It Work?
A Caldera Spas Hot Tub serves many purposes, including enhancing family time and allowing you to relax both mind and body. They also have a physically therapeutic benefit. Hot tubs are often used to release muscular tension or to help in the recovery of overworked muscles. What Is Hot Tub Circuit Therapy? A Caldera Spas […]
How Can A Hot Tub Enhance My Fitness Routine? Part 2
This is the second post in a two part series on how a hot tub can improve your fitness routine. Read part one here. A fully integrated workout strategy should go beyond the actual workout to include important essentials such as nutrition, rest and recovery time. Can I Stretch In My Hot Tub? Dynamic stretching is […]
How Can A Hot Tub Enhance My Fitness Routine? Part 1
A fully integrated workout strategy should go beyond the actual workout to include important essentials such as nutrition, rest and recovery time. This is the first post in a two part series on how a hot tub can improve your fitness routine. Recovery refers to techniques and actions taken to maximize your body’s ability to […]
Invest In Your Wellness Success –20-Minutes at a Time
When life gets busy—and it always does—it’s easy to let our wellness routines become anything but routine. And while taking some time for ourselves can be a challenge, it doesn’t have to become an afterthought. Activities like exercise, meditation and personal reflection may very well be the missing ingredient to jump-starting productivity and regaining a […]
To Stay Connected, Try Being Less “Connected”
When people talk about staying connected to one another these days, we tend to think first of social media. With Facebook and Twitter, we can stay connected all day, every day. In fact, you’ll learn what people are having for breakfast, where they’re “checking in” and see adorable photos of their pets drinking from the […]
Family Fun: Connection & Conversation in the Hot Tub
In this day and age of texting, Facebook, smartphones and the Internet, it becomes harder to unplug and spend quality time with people you love. Or at least it is for me. Anyone else? Various studies (a few which are outlined in this Forbes article) describe how being constantly “plugged in” takes a toll on us physically, emotionally, […]
Hot Tub Benefits for Your Fitness Routine
If you’re physically active like I am, I’m sure you’ve dealt with workout plateaus or slow recovery time due to sore, fatigued muscles. If you’re facing these issues, it’s time to ramp up your total fitness strategy. And you can start right in your Caldera hot tub. Physical benefits of hot tub use. Water is […]
The 10-Day Experiment. Are You In?
We’re hot tubbers. We know that using a hot tub as part of a daily routine leads to positive results for the mind and body. We believe the best hot tub benefits come with frequent soaks and we want to “test the theory,” so to speak. So we’re looking for a few volunteers to join […]
The Power of Water: Top 5 Benefits of Water Immersion
For centuries people have sought the wellness benefits of immersing themselves in water. From the Roman baths to today’s Caldera hot tub our attraction to water continues to help us think and feel our best. Whether it’s to soothe aches and pains, or to calm a restless mind, the transformative effect of water is quite […]
Soak Yourself to Sleep: A Natural Sleep Aid
Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep. Other times, I’ll wake up and can’t get back to sleep. It doesn’t happen all the time, but when it does, it seems to stick around for a while. Both situations are frustrating, especially when the alarm clock goes off in the morning. Evidently, I’m not alone. According to […]
Can My Hot Tub Improve My Sleep?
Sleep is normally preceded by a drop in body temperature. If that’s true, how could a hot tub help? First, soaking in a hot tub helps you relax mentally while the water’s buoyancy helps decompress your joints. Your circulation increases while your blood pressure and heart rate decreases, helping you reach a resting state. In […]